Adult Dog Health Care
1) Complete physical exam
2) Vaccination for DHP/Parvo - after initial series vaccinate in one year then every 3 years (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvo; recommended for all dogs)
3) Vaccination for Leptospirosis if dog is at risk (if outdoors, hunts, has access to waterways or area inhabited by raccoons, opossum, skunk, cattle, or pigs) 4) Vaccination for Bordetella - inital series of two then revaccinate every year (if anticipating boarding, grooming, obedience school, #2 in 2-4 weeks then annually) 5) Vaccination for Lyme Disease - inital series of two then revaccinate every year (if anticipating high tick exposure or visiting Northeast or Upper Midwest)
4) Vaccination for Rabies - after initial vaccination revaccinate in one year then once every 3 years
5) Heartworm test and preventive medication refill - medicate monthly and retest once a year
6) Intestinal parasite exam. Refill monthly deworming medication for roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm
7) Health screen blood test to establish a baseline and check for any early organ dysfunction - repeat once yearly when less than 7 years of age, every 6 months when 7 years or older.
8) Flea control - medicate monthly
9) Professional teeth cleaning once a year after dog is 2 years of age
10) Clackamas County License 11) Spay or neuter with pre-anesthetic bloodwork 12) Microchip identification (to help your dog find its way home if lost)