Cat Health Care Risk Assessment
Vaccinations and preventive care for your pet is a medical decision and a medical procedure that should be individualized based on the risk and lifestyle of the individual animal. We want to help you make the right decision for your pet. We follow the vaccination guidelines developed for dogs by the American Animal Hospital Association , vaccination guidelines for cats developed by the American Association of Feline Practitioners, heartworm prevention guidelines developed by the American Heartworm Society and the parasite prevention guidelines developed by the Companion Animal Parasite Council and health/dental care guidelines developed by AAHA. By answering the following questions we can develop an individualized health care program to protect your pet.
All cats should receive the recommended core vaccines regardless of lifestyle:
¨ 1. FVRCP (Feline respiratory viruses and feline distemper)
¨ 2. Rabies
¨ 3. Feline Leukemia - for all kittens that have been tested negative for FeLV then repeat vaccine one year later. Kittens are most vulnerable to infection and may have exposure if goes outdoors. Continue testing and vaccinating annually if continues to be at risk (see questions below).
Non-core vaccines are given based on risk and lifestyle:
¨ 1. Feline Leukemia
-Is the cat is strictly an indoor cat? ¨Y ¨N
-Any cat in the household known to be FeLV/FIV infected? ¨Y ¨N
-Is the FeLV/FIV status known of all the cats in the household? ¨Y ¨N
-Does cat have contact with other cats of unknown health status? ¨Y ¨N
-Do any of the cats in household roam outside freely? ¨Y ¨N
-Would the owner bring stray cats into household? ¨Y ¨N
-Does the cat fight with other cats? ¨Y ¨N
-Do any other cats in the household fight with other cats? ¨Y ¨N
¨ 2. Chlamydiosis
-Does the cat live in a shelter or cattery where Chlamydia infections
have been documented? ¨Y ¨N
¨ 3. Bordetella (Infection most likely to occur in kittens)
-Does the kitten attend cat shows or go to a boarding or grooming
facility? ¨Y ¨N
-Will the cat be residing in multiple cat environment where Bordetella
infections have been documented? ¨Y ¨N
Vaccines not generally recommended:
¨ 1. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
-Transmission of the virus occurs most commonly from breeding and fighting. The virus
is not spread through casual contact between housemates not engaging in breeding and
fighting, nor is it spread through casual encounters between nonbreeding and nonfighting
cats outside.
-If a cat is tested positive for FIV, the test should be repeated with a different test to
confirm the infection. If a kitten should test positive, the test should be repeated after the
kitten is 6 months of age.
-If the cat is FIV positive, it should be kept indoors to decrease exposure to other cats and
decrease exposure to other infections.
-The current vaccine will result in a positive FIV screening test resulting in confusion as
whether a stray cat is a vaccinated cat or a truly positive FIV cat. Therefore, it is not
currently recommended until better screening tests or a different FIV vaccine is available.
*Keeping cats indoors if possible, neutering all cats going outside, and preventing
exposure to stray or feral cats that may be more likely to engage in fighting will help
prevent this disease.*
Other preventive health care recommendations:
¨ 1. Parasite Prevention
-Receives monthly deworming medication? ¨Y ¨N
-Receives monthly topical flea and tick medication? ¨Y ¨N
-Has been tested for intestinal parasites within the past year? ¨Y ¨N
¨ 2. Laboratory Evaluation
-Has had preventive health screen in the last year for cats less than
7 years or in the last 6 months for cats older than 7 years? ¨Y ¨N
-If on long term medications, has had therapeutic monitoring of blood
levels and/or organ systems in the last 6 months to 1 year? ¨Y ¨N
-If older than 7 years, has had blood pressure checked? ¨Y ¨N
¨ 3. Dental Care
-Has had teeth professionally cleaned and evaluated in the last year? ¨Y ¨N
-Has teeth brushed daily? ¨Y ¨N
-Gets chew toys? ¨Y ¨N
-Gets a dental care diet? ¨Y ¨N
¨ 4. Is your cat spayed or neutered? ¨Y ¨N